
BIbliografie suplimentara si Referinte

Tara, tara, vrem ostasi!

Inegalitata sociala si Sistemul sanitar
Wilkinson, R. and Pickett, K. (2009) The Spirit Level: Why More Equal Societies Almost Always Do Better, pp. 31–45, London, Allen Lane/Penguin Books Ltd).

Pedeapsa cu inchisoarea? Pur si simplu, dezavantaj!

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Fig 5.1
fig 5.2

De la Identitate Nationala la dezorganizare sociala. "Era multimilor."

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Politia si rolul ei legitim in prevenirea criminalitatii.

Cohen, S. (1985), ‘Visions of Social Control: Crime: Punishment and Classification’, Cambridge: Polity Press.
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Ar trebui sa fie raspunzatori minorii pentru faptele lor criminale?

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16. Piaget, J. (1972), ‘Psychology and Epistemology’ (trans. P. Wells), Hardmondsworth, Penguin.
17. Popiel of Ipsos MORIT (2008) ‘Mori Youth Survey’, Committee on the Rights of the Child, Ed. by Annabelle Phillips, Helen Powell, Fiona Anderson and Amanda
18. Smith, R. (2006), ‘Actuarialism and Early Intervention’, in B. Goldson and J. Muncie, eds,Youth Crime and Justice: Critical Readings. London: Sage
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Scoala pozitivista si scola clasica in criminologie. Scurta descriere. 

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O scurta descriere critica privind conceptul lui Robert Merton, "Strain Theory", de a explicare devianta in societate

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Efectele recesiunii economice asupra fenomenului criminalitate 

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.com/-q1YVp5a67dI/TaGjw43VLWI/AAAAAAAABRY/Cucn3WiuslQ/s320/table+4.3.JPG" width="320" />

 Surse de pericol in cartierele "rau famate". Raport. 
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